Bitcoins were spread between two eyeballs by an unidentified woman during a Bitcoin conference in London last month, when thousands of attendees gathered in the UK capital to explore the new economy.
The coins were sold for pounds sterling in exchange for beer and even sweets, according to Bloomberg.
Bitcoin Picture uploaded by k47.
Bitcoin Earning Picture

Business Insider recently reported on the growth of Bitcoin businesses around the globe.

Bitcoin is a digital currency, like cash, except that users don't have to pay fees to exchange, store or transfer their coins.

Some businesses allow users to send their coins via a credit card, and this has sparked new business opportunities.

Banking institutions worldwide, including Barclays Bank and JPMorgan Chase, have expressed interest in adopting Bitcoin to support payments.

Bitcoin was created in 2009 by a computer programmer, using code that was distributed and repackaged in an open-source software project. The currency has developed to include multi-sided trading, integrated banking and retail services, and is almost as popular as one might expect a virtual currency to be.

Business Insider's Bitcoin Editor, Tom Bowker, writes about the currencies incredible rise.

Bitcoin is sometimes compared to gold, which has been around for millennia. Many people value gold for its long history and impressive physical properties.

Gold is more than just a commodity. Bitcoin, too, has proven to be successful. It offers an innovative currency solution with the potential to improve existing payment systems and create other financial innovations as well.

As it continues to become a popular currency, one question remains: How much is Bitcoin worth?

Bitcoin has been valued at between $250,000 to $320,000 per coin, but the currency's value has fluctuated widely and constantly.

Bitcoin's value continues to skyrocket, but how much is a Bitcoin worth in the real world? Business Insider used bitcoin valuation websites and multiple public statements to predict that one bitcoin is worth about $8,350 at the time of this article's publication.

You can find more information on Bitcoin at the CoinDesk website.

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