Top 5 earning website in Pakistan

1-  Blogging
2-  Video Tutorial
3-  Affiliate Marketing
4-  Freelancer
5-  SEO

top 5 earning websites in world
Top 5 websites for earning in pakistan

1- Blogging :
            Blogging is very easy and more earnable website in world.
Everyone can make money from blogging.In blogging,Some things now everyone.
If you have the english knowladge,then blogging is very easy is for you.
Second you have basic html knowladge.First of all you should make your blog preety and
post minimum 20 to 22 post on your blog.Then apply Google Adsense after Google Adsense approval you can earn 45$ to 85$ in 1 month.
blog image
Free Blogging image

2- Video Tutorial :
            Youtube is more earnable website in world for video tutorial.In youtube you can send videos on proper contents.Youtube give a time limit,after time limit you can eaen money by connect Ad sence account.Youtuber is more easy way to earn money.Just send videos on youtube daily.You can earn 100$ to 500$.You can make vlog channel on youtube,and send your daily life style videos to vlog channel.

3- Affiliate Marketing :
                       When your Blog,Wordpress web or other website is ready and you view
on website daily 500 to 1000,Then you can apply Affiliate Marketing.If you don`t know what
is affiliate marketing then i`ll explain you.Affiliate Marketing is partnership with someone
(like Amazon,Alibaba etc...) and earn money whenever redirected link of buys product of these
companies from your website.These companies will pay you money by clicking link of these

4- Freelancer :
             Freelancer is good option to earn money.In freelancer you can earn a lot of money.
If you skill in every field you can select skills in freelancer website and find project.You 
can complete this project and earn money from this work.You can select a lot of skills in freelancer
and find more project then complete these projects and earn money.From freelancer you can earn money $100 to $400 at home.Freelance is good choice for earning money at home.

5- SEO :
      SEO diploma has most high rate in Pakistan. In SEO jobs you can work for different  companies and optimize their SEO.You can earn money from optimize SEO these companies .SEO is most popular job in pakistan.You can work for these companies at home and earn money by SEO $200 to $600.

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